Free Your Voice was created to support people in opening their voice and expression, by bringing more awareness of the power and affect our voice has on us & the world around us.
It’s not about singing a specific way or getting the right result. This is about you finding your unique expression that vibrates authentically for you.
Opening up to creative expression and playfulness, with spontaneous singing and sound making!
Have you ever seen a bird that didn’t want to sing because of self-judgment or shyness? No, we are like the birds, meant to sing freely and openly to inspire and uplift each other.
Let’s discover the magical ability of using our voice with intension and presence for the good and love of each other & the world.
You can ask yourself this question and reflect upon it.
Having a free voice for me is being able to speak my truth. Being able to ask for what I want and say what I don’t want. Express my thoughts, opinions and ideas without censorship or fear of judgment. It’s the absence of restrictions and limitations to one’s expression. Whether it is with your friends, family, work groups or in public speaking.
Freedom to express your emotions in all their colours & shapes, holding on to nothing, fluid like the water. Freedom to say the things that need to be said, being direct and clear. Freedom to express your creativity, with sounds, melodies and lyrics, Whether it’s in your shower or on stage.
It also involves taking responsibility for your intentions, why do you say what you are saying? Knowing the power of your words and being ready to see the cause & effect it has on the world and your surroundings.
Singing in circle is an ancient practice that was done in many indigenous tribes throughout the world.
When tribe members gather in a circle to sing, it symbolizes equality and inclusivity, as everyone is on the same level and participates together. The act of singing collectively promotes a shared experience and a feeling of being part of something greater than oneself. It reinforces the notion that each individual is a vital component of the larger whole, emphasizing the interconnectedness and interdependence within the tribe.
Today it is still a very powerful practice and a healing experience. We gather in circle to sing and vibrate together. The circle symbolizes unity, harmony & equality, as we are all the same distance from the centre with access to the same resources and we all can see each other in the eyes.
Playing in rhythm together tunes our hearts and minds in sync, facilitating coordination and cooperation. The repetitive playing creates a sense of calm and collective focus, fostering a meditative or trance-like state.
Book a session with us, private 1:1 or for any kind of group
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